The Vocational College of Health Services started its academic teaching process in 1988 after the decision made at the meeting of the Institute of Higher Education on the 24th of November in 1987 and by the declaration of the addition of the educational programs within the Edirne Vocational School, namely Anesthesia, Medical Documentation and Secretarial Work, Medical Laboratory and Nursing, and by theapproval ofthe changein thelaw numbered2547 andits 7/d-2 section and also with the inclusion new academic programs such as Radiology, Audiometry and Prothesis-Orthesis. The Nursing and Midwifery Programs were transferred to Edirne Vocational School of Health in 1997. Ambulance and Intensive Care Program was opened in 2009-2010 academic year. Additionally, depending on the decision made by the Institute of Higher Education dated 27.04.2009, the names of four programs were changed (The name Radiology was changed as; Medical Imaging Program, Prothesis-Orthesis was changed as; Orthopedic Prothesis and Orthesis, Ambulance and Intensive Care was changed as Paramedics Program and Medical Laboratory was changed as Techniques of Medical Laboratory)

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